Objective of the project:
The main goal of the project is the establishment of a functional and efficient system for the protection of personal data in accordance with EU law, based on experiences and good practice from partner countries, which are far more advanced and experienced in this field.
A specific goal of the project is the introduction of new mechanisms and tools in the existing legal environment, paying special attention to Delete ME and data processing in Cloud Computing. The main goal of introducing these mechanisms and tools is to achieve a more effective application of legal legislation, simultaneously raising public awareness of the risks and legal mechanisms for protecting privacy and personal data.
Implementation of the project :
The project is planned to last 18 months, and its implementation is structured through the realization of 3 components:
- The first component foresees the finalization before putting into practice the Delete ME function (software and training) and the initial phase of its implementation. This component includes development and installation of software and training for its use. In the context of strengthened application of the existing legislation, this component also pays attention to the function of the Directorate in cooperation with the controllers in the processing of data in the cloud, through amendments to the legal legislation, development of software and training for its operation, as well as the introduction of working protocol according to the data processing agreements according to the practice applied in Norway.
- The second implementation component is aimed at the promotion of the already completed activities from the first component, that is, the promotion of the established Delete ME network of personal data processors in the countries of the Western Balkans.
- The last component focuses on raising public awareness of the newly introduced services by the authority for the protection of personal data.
The overall implementation of the project is based on the cooperation with a partner-institution from Norway (Norwegian Authority for Personal Data Protection NorSIS).