- To be informed about the processing of their personal data
As a function of transparency, the controller has the obligation to inform the subjects of personal data about the purposes and the legal basis of the processing of their personal data.
- To request access to data
The request for access to the data must be submitted in writing and contain additional data and information, which are necessary to locate the requested data.
The controller has the obligation to respond to the subjects within 15 days from the day of receipt of the request, with no obligation to respond again to the same or similar request of a specific subject, if there are no changes in his personal data in the meantime, unless six have passed months from the date of submission of the previous request to the new request.
- To request addition, modification, deletion or stopping of data processing
At the request of the subjects, the controller is obliged to supplement, modify, delete personal data or stop the processing of data, if they are incomplete, incorrect or not updated, that is, if their processing is not in accordance with the law.
Regardless of whether the subject has submitted such a request, if the controller determines that the personal data are incomplete, incorrect or not updated, he is obliged to supplement, modify or delete them.
The controller is obliged to notify the subject in writing of the additions, changes or deletions made no later than 30 days from the day of receipt of the request.
In order to achieve a balance between the right to privacy and the importance of the state or public interest or social need, the rights of the subjects of personal data may be limited. With the ZZLP it is precisely established that these rights can be limited due to: protection of the security and defense of the state; detection and prosecution of perpetrators of crimes; protection against violation of ethical rules of a certain profession; protection of important economic or financial interests of the state and protection of the rights and freedoms of the subject or the rights of other natural persons.
Download the Request for access and correction of personal data form at the following link .