This right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances:

  • when the personal data is no longer needed;
  • when you have withdrawn the consent on which the processing is based/ you have submitted an objection to the processing;
  • when the controller processes personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • in case of illegal processing;
  • in the case of an obligation prescribed by law; and
  • when personal data is collected to offer information services.

This right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances:

  • when the personal data is no longer needed;
  • when you have withdrawn the consent on which the processing is based/ you have submitted an objection to the processing;
  • when the controller processes personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • in case of illegal processing;
  • in the case of an obligation prescribed by law; and
  • when personal data is collected to offer information services.


A clinic receives a request from a former patient to delete all personal data associated with him, however, the clinic’s liability insurance requires it to retain the patient’s data.

The Clinic may refuse a request to delete a person’s data because it processes such data for the purposes of exercising a right based on law.

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Informant on “The rights of citizens as subjects of personal data”