If you believe that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated, you can submit a Request for the determination of a violation of the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data to the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data (AZLP) . For this purpose, it is necessary to indicate in the Request your personal data and the data of the controller who you consider to have violated your right to the protection of personal data. No claim can be made against an unknown controller. The amount of data required for AZLP to process your request is listed in more detail at the following link . AZLP will decide with a solution according to your request.

Steps to fill out the Request:

The request can be submitted in paper form to the AZLP registry or electronically to info@privacy.mk , i.e. through the electronic form below. .

The request must be signed by you personally. If you want to submit the Request electronically, you should sign it electronically in accordance with the regulations governing the use of electronic documents, electronic signature and electronic seal and electronic confidential services in administrative and judicial proceedings. If you use the electronic form below, follow the instructions that you will receive at the email address that you will provide.

AZLP may contact you for further action on the same.

    Information about the applicant

    Data on the applicant - natural person

    Information about the applicant - Association of citizens

    Does he have a legal representative?

    Data about the legal/natural person that you believe has violated your personal data

    A brief description of the injury

    Specify the documents that you are attaching as evidence to support the above request::

    Read more

    Informant on “The rights of citizens as subjects of personal data”